Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fiona and the boys...

Fiona and the boys…

I had lunch with friends at Einstein’s Bagel today. We were crunching on everything bagels and discussing the state of the world when Fiona and the boys came in. Everything kind of stops when Fiona and the boys come in. Fiona is a lovely woman, about 25 and she pushes the boys in a triple stroller. The boys smile and wave to the customers. It’s obvious they know they are loved and admired. Brendan and Owen are 3 year old blond, blue eyed twins and Colin is a dark haired, dimpled two year old.

Fiona pushes the boys almost 2 miles for their Saturday treat. She takes them out of the stroller and puts small containers of different foods in front of them, then goes to order her own bagel and milk for the boys. They wait patiently while she opens their milk. No shoving, complaining or screeching for Fiona’s boys. No fits or tantrums when the world doesn’t go their way. The boys talk while they eat and Fiona joins them. Occasionally there’s a “Thank you for sharing with your brother” or a “Please put your milk down and eat” and Fiona’s boys do as their mother asks. If you listen you will discover why they are so well behaved. Fiona treats her boys with love and respect.

When they have finished eating the boys hop down from the table and begin to “tidy up.” They put their trash in the trash can and sweep the crumbs from the table with one hand into the other. They think it’s great fun. Customers stop by the table to chat with the boys and Fiona. The boys are happy to answer, “What’s your name?” and “How old are you?” and Fiona gets the inevitable, “Are they triplets?” She is gracious and soft spoken with an Irish accent as she explains that Brendan and Owen are twins and Colin is a year younger.

After the table is tidied and all the questions are answered and the boys are sufficiently admired and praised by those sitting around them Fiona says, “Shall we get back in the buggy?” The boys hop back in and wait to be buckled and with big smiles they wave and call, “Bye” as Fiona begins the walk back home.

Today someone called out, “I’ll bet their dad is proud of them” and Fiona answered, “Yes! Good bye now!”

But a few of us know the truth. About a year ago, when Colin was not quite a year old, Fiona’s husband decided that he didn’t want children and he left the family. He no longer sees his children and they have simply forgotten him. He does support the boys but Fiona is left with their care and no family in town. She is grateful for her friends who help by caring for the boys while she works and she tries to remain cheerful for her children. She says she stopped crying a couple of months ago and focuses only on her boys. I am not making a judgment about her ex husband; I have no idea why he no longer wanted his children, but I am making a judgment about Fiona. I think she’s one heck of a mother and human being.

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