Monday, October 20, 2008

my birthday call... 10/11/08

I knew when the phone rang this morning it was my son Hooch and his bevy of beauties calling to wish me Happy Birthday.

Little Mary was first.

"Happy Birthday Nana."

Of course it's a Nana's job to be a little surprised. "Why Little Mary, thank you so much! How are you?"

"I'm a little bit sick."

"I'm sorry to hear that. What's wrong?"

"Ursula screams too much and it makes me sick." I did not laugh. A squealing baby can make a big sister feel a bit queasy.

"I got a wagon as my gift for your birthday Nana."

"Will you let me ride in it when I come there?"

"Of course and I'm going to take you to Chik-Fil-A too." This child KNOWS the way to her Nana's heart.

"What are you doing for your birthday Nana?"

She knows about going to lunch but try explaining a Renaissance Festival to a 3 ½ year old. She understood dancing ladies though. Little Mary loves to dance and wants to be Shirley Temple when she "grows up."

I spoke to the rest of the girls (there are 4 of them) and Jill, my daughter in law, then the family sang "Happy Birthday to You" three times… each time louder and faster.

After the traditional reciting of "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere" we played a rousing game of "Older or Younger Than John McCain." You know that game, don't you?

San Francisco Bridge? Older, but just barely. Boulder Dam? Younger. The Great Wall of China? Hmmmm… I need to think about that one.

I am having a wonderful birthday. Thank you all for the wonderful gifts, cards and wishes.

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