Wednesday, August 19, 2009

dude...September 07, 2008

Yesterday morning I had occasion to drive my 13 year old granddaughter Jordan aka JoJo to school.

First, we picked up her best friends, India and Jared. In my car I had two long legged girls in black shirts that read "My Chemical Romance" one shorter boy in a black shirt with a skull, 1 huge black backpack, two black "messenger bags" that read "My Chemical Romance" my purse, two violins, one viola and a whole lot of young energy, none of it mine. Still young ones are a joy to be with and I was enjoying myself.

"Dude," Jared addressed me from the back seat, "how you doing?"

"Uhhh... just fine dude. How 'bout you?"

"Ah, you know."

The girls fell into giggle heaps which is not all that easy with a violin case on your lap.

"Listen India" I said, "I need you to do me a favor."

"Sure dude."

(You are addressed as "dude" regardless of your gender, dude. Got it?)

"I want JoJo to go to LVA ( Las Vegas Academy of Performing Arts, one of the best high schools in the country) and she says she doesn't want to go unless you go too. So tell me you are going to audition!"

"Dude I don't know! I think we're moving to Colorado!"

"WHAT?" JoJo and I asked together.

"Or Puerto Rico or the Bronx," Jared said.

"WHAT?" By now JoJo was bent over her violin case moaning "Issues, I'm having issues…"

"Don't worry JoJo," India said, "Our parents haven't decided anything yet. I don't think it will be for another year and we can so totally visit each other after we move."

"Oh issues…" JoJo moaned.

"Dude," I said, "why are you moving?"

"There's just nothing for kids to do in this town…" said Jared. "It's not like it was 'back in the day' you know. Now it's all about who you date and what drugs you take and we aren't real happy with that, you know?"

Suddenly, several things were going on with me at once. I was feeling sad for JoJo who might be losing her two best friends, sad for India and Jared who didn't particularly like living here, very pleased with what Jared had said about "dating and drugs" but real confused about what an 11 year old boy considered "back in the day." But, the adolescent is a skittish critter and must be approached gently. If he thinks you are laughing at him he either clams up or delivers swift and nasty retribution.

"So Jared, I think I missed the meaning of 'back in the day,'" I said carefully, willing to withdraw my statement if need be.

"You know, 2006, 2007. Things were like totally different then."

"Yeah I know," I said, smoothly. "So I am sure things will work out best for all of us."

"Yeah, we probably won't move for a year or so. India and JoJo can go to LVA together for about a year if they get past the audition."

"Get past the audition?" JoJo yelled.
"You so totally wish you were as smart as we are!" Issues seemed to be over for the moment.

"Dude, you doubt we can get into LVA?" India squealed.

"I don't doubt it," I said as they piled out of the car with violins, violas, back pack and messenger bags that read "My Chemical Romance" and joined 1500 other young people wearing black shirts, carrying instruments and back packs. "I don't doubt it at all."

I waited till I was well around the corner to laugh.

1 comment:

Lady Kate the Fairy Froggymother said...

From sweet little babies to amusing young people. It's all good.

Posted by I'm the Mama!! on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 5:41 AM

And they do it in a blink of an eye too Martika! I can look into JoJo's face and see that tiny blanket wrapped girl I held when she was minutes old. Keep your eyes wide open my dear friend. It's all good, even when they call you Riff Raff. :)

love you...

Dude - I hope you're compiling a book of your observations as you go through life ... they are priceless. I'm so glad I found you here!

Posted by Candace on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 6:04 AM

Hi Candace! Dude, it all goes into my journal and I email JoJo excerpts from time to time. She loves it. I'm glad I found YOU!


Well, Dude!!! As I see it, there are three more very lucky people to have you in their lives! Prolly also visa-versa... Ya think??? SMILE silly woman! (just for the record, it's difficult not to refer to you as "Dudette") hehehe

Posted by Levis42Day on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 7:54 AM

Dang Virgil, what a nice thing to say. Dudette?? I once had a shirt that read "Dudette!" I had forgotten that.

Thanks... :)

Lzbth Veleda

From the mouths of children.
It's interesting/funny.
I'm out here in East Texas, very very very small town. Population....4,000 at most (not the town I'm living in, that is more like 2,000) is about how many people inhabit this town I'm working for.
I guess all I'm saying is that it's peculiar, this generational perspective.


Lzbth. Dude. If anyone can start something in that small Texas town it would be you. You are NOT much older than these kids. I'm agreeing with you about that perspective thing. I'm just saying.

♠♣ 702_bred ♥♠

wow you sure had an exciting morning. i couldnt stop laughing

Posted by ♠♣ 702_bred ♥♠ on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 10:19 AM

Ahhh Boy, that little sister of yours is something else. I want her to follow in your shoes and go to LVA. hee hee

I love you so much. Kiss my gdil for me. Can't wait to see the two of you.


You know Back in the day... everything was different, you know like 10 minutes ago!!


Posted by *Page* on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 12:49 PM

That's right Dude!

Thanks Monklet. You know I love you!


Dude. I love it. All I could think of the whole time was my 15 year old sister. I finally have a set work schedule, so we have to get together for lunch soon! I haven't seen you since back in the day! :)

Posted by ashley on Thursday, September 11, 2008 - 2:02 PM

Lady Kate Benway, the Fairy Froggymother

Dude, SHUT up! Yes, we are overdue for lunch.
Posted by Lady Kate Benway, the Fairy Froggymother on Thursday, September 11, 2008 - 6:59 PM

Maggie thinks if she throws stick; you will leave


Oh I loved that. That was the most uplifting blog I have read in quite a while, I think the issues quote is the BEST!

Wonderful kids there!

Posted by Maggie thinks if she throws stick; you will leave on Saturday, September 20, 2008 - 5:41

Thank you Maggie... like totally!

Posted by Lady Kate Benway, the Fairy Froggymother on Saturday, September 20, 2008 - 6:15 PM
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Those are some very smart kids that you have there. I really like what they said. And... I do like one song from the "My Chemical Romance" CD.

Great read.

Posted by ~SCAR ~ on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 2:23 PM

Thanks Scar! I like a little "My Chemical Romance" too .. but I am not crazy about all of it.