Wednesday, August 19, 2009

it's about life and communication...Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mind is a linear arrangement of multisensory total records of successive moments of now… code name "stack." When an experience is perceived as being in any way like a previous experience the stack falls in… "stack attack"… and we react in the way we reacted the first time.

Life is a rip-off when you expect to get what you want. Life works when you choose what you've got. Actually what you got is what you chose even if you don't know it. To move on, choose what you've got.

Conflict disappears when we experience something totally rather than storing it up in a matrix of concepts and beliefs. Obviously, when it is completely experienced, the experience is complete. Nothing remains; it has disappeared. We have experienced it out.

We are the source of our own experience. No one can make us experience anything unless we choose that experience. Every human being bears the responsibility for "sourcing" his own life.

The more energy invested in being "right" (or wrong, which is actually another version of right) the less energy there is for aliveness. The paradox is that while mind exists to protect our being, it actually prevents us from experiencing it.

If we get off our considerations and our need to be right we have a chance… slight, but a chance… to truly experience life.

Life is a function of communication. The quality of our lives is directly related to what we are willing to communicate. When we are busy blaming, we are not communicating. When we are busy defining others, we are not communicating. When we are busy defending ourselves, we are not communicating.

Communicate and watch miracles happen.

If you don't get it, don't worry. Most people don't.

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