Wednesday, August 19, 2009

last night... November 5, 2008

Last night I invited friends in to eat dinner and watch the returns. We had a delicious dinner (compliments of my friends… we know I don't cook.)

We thought we were in for a long night of it so with cups of coffee and tea we settled down to watch the news. We watched in amazement as the numbers went up and up and before we knew it… it was over. I expected cheering and high fiving but there was silence and awe. We began the evening sure in the knowledge that Obama was headed for the White House but suddenly the enormity of what we had just seen hit us. It was a few minutes before any of us spoke and then there was cheering and laughter!

We watched John McCain's gracious concession speech and I truly felt sorry for Sarah Palin, who held such high hopes.

Obama's speech was sheer brilliance. He spoke to us… the people… and reminded us of where we have been and what we are capable of. We heard echoes of Dr. King in his speech when he said, "We as a people will get there." and we all took up the cry, "Yes, we can!" And, like Jesse Jackson and probably thousands in our country, some of us cried. It has been a long, hard campaign and there were times when all of us just wanted it over. But last night we witnessed a great moment in history and we were reminded that we are not a collection of red states and blue states but the United States of America and that in America, all things are truly possible.

So let me say it again! Yes, we can!

By the way... tomorrow morning my grandson Chris leaves for his second deployment to Iraq.

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