Wednesday, August 19, 2009

music therapy with Telford and Herb ...Saturday, April 07, 2007

if you ask Telford
he does not know how old he is
this he knows

Dominica is a green and sandy island

at dark
covered in music
estrellitas at counter point
Dominica conjours

street jump ups
moko jumbies striding
colors loosed from kaleidoscope
swirling free

steel bands
children's hands patting
women's hips swaying with delicious
men smiling big teeth

and he
kept the pulse
with his djun-djuns
hands slapping goat skin
bare feet patting dirt
lapping at his mouth

if you ask
he does not know where he lives
this he knows

his djun-djuns are gone
his wide hipped wife
who rocked him slowly is gone
his children are gone

if you ask
he does not know who he is
this he knows

he misses
a green and sandy island


he cannot speak
this tall and beautiful man
but if you remind him
that he once played trumpet with Count Basie
his brown eyes swim
and he scats

beedley bop bop booey
diddley dot dot dooey…
dah dah dah dah dah dah dah

and if you mention
One O'Clock Jump
his good hand cannot be still
moves that slide memory
back and forth
tears pouring down his face

and there
in tall silent silhouette

appears Herb
the young man
who once played trumpet

with Count Basie

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