Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Page’s survey ...Thursday, September 27, 2007

I normally post these under bulletins but Page (the Monklet) posted it under blog so I will too. I feel like a follower today.

1. Why are you home?
because I am finished working and finished drinking coffee and talking so now I am home, thinking about working on my Manhattan skyline painting...

2. Have you ever seen the show Scrubs?
no… should I?

3. Do you like anyone?
no… and Monklet you know what it means and I know you know that I know you are playing with us acting like you don't know what it means…

4. Do you know anyone named Michael?
I do…

5. What kind of toilet paper do you use?

7. Do you like sunflowers?
I like the flowers, I like the seeds, I like the painting

8. How about sand?
what… sand has seeds? I didn't know that!

9. Do you have asthma?
only in the presence of strong smells

10. Do you think the word "fork" is weird?
no… but I think the word spork is weird… as mr jones says a spork is a bi-utensil

11. Which pet would you rather have if it were legal, a penguin or an alligator?
I already have a penguin… shhhhh…

12. What kind of vacuum cleaner do you own?
I don't know... but it sucks real good

13. If you could have any job you wanted, for just one day what would it be?
for one day I would like to be a billionaire… I'm betting I could give away a cool billion in 24 hours… ya think? wait... is billionaire a job? yeah I think so...

14. Can you draw a perfect heart?
maybe… whose heart is it?

15. How many rings do you have on?
8 on my fingers and the others are… uhhh…

16. Have any pictures on your dresser mirror?
not on the mirror… on the dresser… they won't stand up on the mirror

17. Which would you rather have, a great smile or a great body?
as Carin says it is a work in progress and everyone has a different definition of what a "great body" is… and I am going with Carin on that

18. When talking to a guy you're interested in, have you ever stared at their crotch?
what??? I mean seriously… WHAT???

19. Is the sound on your computer on right now?
can you hear it from there?

21. Have you seen the movie 300?
no, but John said it was worth going to the theater to see so it must be good

22. How about Chuck and Larry?
they didn't say

23. Isn't it annoying when commercials repeat themselves a million times?
Commercials?... I don't watch commercials with one notable exception… I love those caveman commercials and I am going to watch the show on October 2nd…. seriously… are you?

24. Have you ever been a victim of a cheesy pick up line?
the cheesiest!

25. Have you ever been bitten by a mosquito?
yes and other things too

26. Do you believe in angels?
they are the people who help you when you least expect it

27. Do you keep cards people got you for Christmas/Birthday etc?
sometimes… depends on who the peeps are

28. The last person you laughed at?
at or with? It's mean to laugh at people!

29. How many mirrors do you have in your house?
too many

30. Do you like to kiss?
what kinda question is that?

31. Do you like Cheetos?
with what?

32. Have any fans on?
what? fans? I don't wear fans!

33. Were you sad when The WB changed to CW?
what? The WB changed? now I am sad!

34. Are you lactose intolerant?
I am a tolerant person and I have nothing against lactose!

35. What's worse, being angry or being disappointed?
at what? or whom? how did this happen?

36. Dude, do you have a Dell?
Dude! I do!

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