Wednesday, August 19, 2009

it’s about work and those infernal meetings… Wednesday, June 20, 2007

an observation about meetings…
When the director begins to use words like matrix, paradigm, modalities, sets and subsets I shut down. My eyes glaze over. I mean really… what is proactive? Does it follow that there is a conactive?

When he begins to speak in acronyms… ASDO… DAS… CHIP… NASW... I hear:

LBJ took the IRT
Down to 4th street USA
When he got there
What did he see?
The youth of America on LSD

Soon I begin to hum. I always loved that song. The director does not notice. He is too busy admiring what he has to say.

Humming, talking... the end result is always the same. The director is happy and I can go back to work.

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