Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Take your daughter to work day… July 07, 2007

What began as "take your daughter to work day" is now "take your sons and daughters to work day," which is as it should be. When we were younger I took my daughter to work and in time, she took her daughter to work.

Now, I work with my daughter, Lori, one day a month. She is the RN who signs off on our medical charts. We have worked together for 6 months. At first I thought it would be a hoot just having her here. It has been a hoot and much more.

Though I thought I knew her well, I have never known her as a professional woman. I am impressed with her skills and intelligence. My daughter.

Lori was with us when the bus driver hit the gas main and we had to evacuate our seniors in a hurry. My first thought was of my child and, I learned later, hers was of me. We ignored our concerns and did what we had to do. After, we stood together, shaking and pleased with the job we had done. We are both adrenalin junkies. Imagine that.

We have pored over charts together and always we are like minded. It amazes me. And yet, she's my daughter.

The LPN's she supervises tell me how pleasant she is and that they enjoy working with her. My little girl.

I have watched Lori work with our frail seniors… holding a hand here... rubbing a shoulder there… giving an encouraging word… and it pleases me to think that somehow I had a hand in this delightful, caring woman.

Taking your daughter to work is fun but the opportunity to meet my daughter as a professional and a co worker has been an amazing experience.

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