Wednesday, August 19, 2009

today .. January 19, 2009

This morning I set out to write about why today is important to me. I grew up in Georgia, a state where despite the passage of federal civil rights legislation, public facilities remained segregated in many areas well into the 1970s.

I was going to write about the segregated schools I attended and living in the designated “white” area. I was going to write about the fact that, what is now called, the “n” word was the preferred term for African Americans and most people didn’t even flinch when it was used. I was going to write about that but then I remembered the murder of 14 year old Emmett Till in Mississippi and I became mired down in memories.

Segregation was more than different schools, water fountains, restrooms, and the balcony in the movie theater where African Americans sat. Segregation was also the Klan, house bombings and cross burnings. It was Governor Lester Maddox who kept ax handles called "Pickrick drumsticks" near his restaurant's front door to “discourage” African Americans seeking to eat there. And of course, Georgia is the birthplace of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. which brings me full circle.

Three years ago my son and his wife, my daughter and four of my young granddaughters met in Atlanta. We visited my old home and I told them about growing up in Georgia. We also visited Sweet Auburn, the black neighborhood of several blocks which includes Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birth home, the Ebenezer Baptist Church where he was a pastor, and his gravesite. I felt a mix of shame and pride for my home state.

Today we celebrate the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and tomorrow we will watch as our first African American president is inaugurated. It is almost too much to take in if you were reared in the segregationist south. Almost but not quite. Today is a day of great celebration. Mark it well. Today I have renewed hope for our nation.

1 comment:

Lady Kate the Fairy Froggymother said...


I Hope With All My Heart You're Right Lady Kate, Love Ya :)

Posted by Badbil on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 1:26 PM
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Lady Kate Benway, the Fairy Froggymother

Billy my friend, I do not know what President Obama will do yet... none of us has that kind of foresight, but I know I am right in that our country has come a long way from segregationist days. There was a time when African Americans had to step off the sidewalk and allow a white to pass and tomorrow a black man will become the leader of our country.

Love you too :)

Posted by Lady Kate Benway, the Fairy Froggymother on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 6:17 PM
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Me too, Kate! I had almost given up, especially after seeing W elected (or shall I say take office) TWICE! I am so glad to have my country back, and I think that the healing of our nation has already begun, just by virtue of Obama's having been elected - by a big majority - despite the color of his skin - despite his name. That election brought us together at last, and it is truly a new era! It makes me weep regularly.

Posted by Candace on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 2:05 PM
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Lady Kate Benway, the Fairy Froggymother

You are so right Candace... DESPITE the color of his skin... DESPITE his name.
Cry on my sister and let the new era begin!


Posted by Lady Kate Benway, the Fairy Froggymother on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 6:20 PM
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Oh! You made me cry!

Posted by ashley on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 5:52 PM
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Lady Kate Benway, the Fairy Froggymother

Sweet Ashley! It's young people lke you and the depth of your feeling that give me hope. Hugs to you and Lilia.

Posted by Lady Kate Benway, the Fairy Froggymother on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 6:21 PM
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I'm the Mama!!

Finally catching up. This is a beautiful blog Kate. You really were in the thick of it living in Atlanta in those sad, sad times.

Posted by I'm the Mama!! on Sunday, January 25, 2009 - 7:08 AM
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Lady Kate Benway, the Fairy Froggymother

Thank you Martha. And I guess it's tomorrow you will be in Atlanta. Enjoy yourself. It's a wonderful city in spite of its history.
Love you...

Posted by Lady Kate Benway, the Fairy Froggymother on Sunday, January 25, 2009 - 11:11 AM
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Beautiful...This day was imporatant and we have come so far.... Just Imagine what new things are around the corner

Posted by *Page* on Sunday, January 25, 2009 - 3:28 PM
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Lady Kate Benway, the Fairy Froggymother


gobeautiful word Monklet!